The first major element designed and constructed at the AgroEcology Center was the Deep Winter Greenhouse. To read more about the Deep Winter Greenhouse project, visit the Deep Winter Greenhouse page on our website. The 2017 – 2018 Winter was our first full Winter growing experience and it has been…
Adaptive Hugelkultur Design
Laying at the heart of all design is inspiration and adaptation, and much about Regenerative Agriculture (and many of the agricultural philosophies that feed into it) comes down to design… design that is inspired by other people’s and culture’s ideas, philosophies and designs, then taken and adapted to a new…
Before & After Bio-Garden
Everything is a process, and with the AgroEcology Center in its infancy… everything is both “A” process and “in” process. Here are some “Before & After” images and videos to show the pre-, in-, post- process. The Biological Garden – colloquially known as the bio-garden, is the area where the…

Deep Winter Greenhouse Workshop
The Northeast Regional Sustainable Development Partnership and the Organic Consumers Association Present: A Deep Winter Greenhouse Workshop Finland, Minnesota: Saturday April 1, 2017 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM (Bring your own lunch for the 12-1 break) Inside the Deep Winter Greenhouse: How Do We Do This? Are you a deep winter…